Purpose in Pandemics

Pandemics have rattled the world for thousands of years but how are we as Christians called to respond?  What if moments like this shape the most ideal opportunities for the church to engage culture?

The Purpose in Pandemics documentary is a 4-part small group curriculum and study to challenge the way we as Christians approach times like this.

Watch the trailer for the 4-part series

4 Episode Overview

All four episodes explore the history of global pandemics while intentionally looking at how Christians are called to respond.  

Be Courageous

Christians are called to live radically different from the world and with a boldness that confuses logic.  How are you called to live a courageous life?

Be Aware

Christians are called to know Scripture and to apply Scripture to the circumstances in the world around us.  How well do you know and apply Scripture to your daily life?

Be Creative

Christians are called to be creative in how we live and engage the world knowing our God is the ultimate creator.  How well do you rely on your Creator to give you fresh thought and perspective?

Be Engaged

Christians are called to be engaged and leverage their professional skills and talents to serve those around them.  How well do you use your professional skills for the Kingdom?

Narrated & Taught by:

Matt Reagan

Matt Reagan is the Associate Pastor Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY.  A visionary leader with a passion to unleash the Jesus potential in next-generation leaders, activating and inspiring a pursuit of Jesus and His Kingdom.


Featuring interviews and teaching from experts in the field.


Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko

SIM - International Director

Dr. Rick Donlon

RADAR-EMS - Co-Founder

Dr. Gary Ferngren

Emeritus Professor of History Oregan State University

Dr. Bill Greer

Milligan University - President

Scott Nickell

Southland Christian Church - Teaching Pastor

Dr. Lance Plyler

World Medical Mission | Samaritan's Purse - Medical Director

Dr. Gerard Rabalais

Associate Vice-President for Faculty Development - University of Louisville

Will Rogers

Global Missions Health Conference - Executive Director

Dr. Allison Ruark

Assistant Professor in Applied Health Sciences - Wheaton University

Jaime Saint

iTec - Executive Director

Dr. Suzie Snyder

Emergency Room Physician/ Volunteer Physician

Dr. Brian Vickers

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - Professor of New Testament Interpretation STBS

Christy Weaver

Southeast Christian Church - Women's Ministry Leader

Dr. John Wilsey

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - Associate Professor of Church History and Philosophy

Who's it for?

It's for anyone looking for how best to respond and engage in any global health crisis like COVID-19.

Jesus Followers

Anyone who follows Jesus has good reason to work through this series to learn God's story through global pandemics and how you can engage.


This study is excellent for churches to work through together and provide meaningful explanations for the modern world.

Small Groups

This study is ideal for small groups to work through the 4-part curriculum together and learn how the Lord might challenge them.

Sign up now to watch the series.

This small group series is intended for small groups... makes sense right?!  Purpose in Pandemics is the first resource of it's kind to help Christians navigate their calling and responsibility in the midst of a global pandemic like COVID-19.  

Gather with others (safely of course) to watch through these four key lessons, unpack the teaching, and explore what next steps might be out there for you to live a life that's bold, aware, creative, and engaged.  

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